понедельник, 23 февраля 2015 г.

Business with "conflict-free diamonds."

Welcome to the new trend - in fashion today swamped entire West - "conflict-free diamonds." In English, this trend sounds like a conflict free diamonds. All chudesatee and chudesatee ... Although there is nothing to laugh - only manage to learn new ways - how to make money, keeping up with life. There can be no laughing matter. That company, called Do Amore gives us all a lesson on how to quickly adapt to the new wedding trend - how to sell the goods to a 100% eco-friendly wedding.

 Brand engagement rings called Do Amore made his advertising and rebuilt from competitors only one way. Brand Do Amore - ethical. It provides eco-friendly wedding! How can ethical jewelers? And here is how. Firstly, if you want to be ethical jeweler retailer, you will need to deal exclusively with precious metals "recycling." No new gold, only products from remelted scrap gold. After extraction of the "new" gold first, harms the environment, and secondly, linked to the slave labor of miners from third world countries. Secondly, you have to use in their jewelry only so-called "conflict-free" gems - especially diamonds, diamonds ... "Conflict-free" diamonds certainly not unfounded, it is confirmed by a special certification. It turns out that there is a Canadian Code of Conduct for rough and polished diamonds. And there is also a certified Kibmerliyskogo process.

After receiving the certificate, you give a guarantee to the buyer that his diamonds: came from those countries whose governments do not fund and do not lead military conflicts, and that these diamonds are not mined in Africa using slave labor of local people - blacks. Those diamonds are conflict-free can not be called, are called "blood diamonds". Here's how. That is, it is simply no longer the market - closed! Not on the planet, but in Europe - for sure! And in order to persuade the consumer to the new vogue for "green" and "eco" wedding, he, the consumer, to explain - to produce a few grams of gold, you need to throw in the nature of about 200 tons of hazardous chemical waste. So, the newest trend: green eco wedding included a another, more detail, a new fashion - fashion for ethical engagement rings. Gold - from scrap, diamonds - only with a certificate of "conflict-free". And jewelry brand that sells wedding rings - an ethical brand Do Amore is fully consistent with the new fashion. All young "environmentalists", getting married, bought a ring at Do Amore.

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