Business Idea with «Green» electricity from … normal city water pipes.
Business Idea with «Green» electricity from … normal city water pipes.
werrozz 23.02.2015 0 Редактировать
In the US city of Portland, Oregon, launched an eco-project of Power-entertainers; project for the extraction of «green» electricity from … normal city water pipes.
It is called the Eco-design of alternative energy — Lucid Energy. That’s only one thing we ask of you: do not confuse with city water urban sewage same! The difference is obvious.
All you know for a long time (from the materials of our website) that the pipes — a real storehouse of chemical elements (cake of pipes). Of these chemical elements is easy to get fuel for reprocessing it for electricity in small volumes, suitable for local use, little by little. It is not necessary to extract oil and gas, and coal — «mining», so please that settles on your stinking cloacal drains. With this business model for the arrangement of the green economy the world is already quite a while familiar …
Mortgage loan is taken not from a good life, but, on the contrary, in order to improve it. In most cases, take the money in the bank when they are not enough. You benefit as a solution to their problems, but have to pay for it. What are the cons of mortgage? The high cost. The key problem loans in Russia is the high cost loans. The State shall encourage financial institutions to continually reduce the cost of mortgages. Its price, indeed, regularly decreases, however loans to European price of 3-4% per annum, we are still far away. So far, according to the polls, the mortgage can afford no more than 2-3% of Russians.
Mortgage loan is taken not from a good life, but, on the contrary, in order to improve it. In most cases, take the money in the bank when they are not enough. You benefit as a solution to their problems, but have to pay for it. What are the cons of mortgage? The high cost. The key problem loans in Russia is the high cost loans. The State shall encourage financial institutions to continually reduce the cost of mortgages. Its price, indeed, regularly decreases, however loans to European price of 3-4% per annum, we are still far away. So far, according to the polls, the mortgage can afford no more than 2-3% of Russians.
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