Vending machines selling handsets for the less dangerous drugs Reception
Vending machines selling handsets for the less dangerous drugs Reception
The truth about drugs is that drug users generally die not by
themselves … drugs. Addicts get sick and die so early on that they take:
a) cheap, extremely dangerous synthetic analogs of known «natural» drugs,
b) low-quality «dilute» adulterated natural drugs,
and finally c) administering the drug typically occurs in unsanitary conditions using the same unsanitary consumables.
These facts form the basis of a new ideology and politics — modern combat the problem of drug addiction in the world.
Supporters of the «legalization» of drugs are usually called as such —
is wrong. Today correct to speak about the so-called policy programs —
medicalization receiving drugs. Medicalization reception drugs — a
tactic harm reduction.
Harm reduction — while taking the drug.
The discussing the famous «Law on the medicalization of narcotics»,
becoming available to the general public, is already bearing fruit.
For example, in Canada, in Vancouver, there are the first vending
machines that sell for penny prices — glass tubes for inhalation
(smoking) crack. And now — more.
Crack — cheap analogue of cocaine, unlike cocaine — ingested by
smoking. Smoking crack through the glass tube. Glass tubes for crack
addicts usually are cut out of the ordinary glass tubes, which are
bought by drug addicts in supermarkets … materials. The second way to
find the glass tube — «get» it on the black market drugs.